Also published in Daily Trust
The recurrent deterioration of the financial
crisis that repeatedly hits the already economically struggling state
governments in Nigeria, and which further exhausts their rapidly depleting
finances hence affects their ability to meet their most basic financial
obligations i.e. workers’ monthly salaries, represents the predictable and
indeed inevitable consequence of their overreliance on the federal government,
and also their failure to build sustainable economies that will sustain their
respective states with or without the monthly statutory revenue allocations
they receive from the federal government.
It also further highlights some of the serious
economic implications of the successive federal governments’ failure to
diversify the economy and liberate it from the mercy of crude oil price
fluctuations in international markets. Besides, as the prices continue to show
no sign of significant improvement anytime soon, Nigeria’s revenue from crude
oil sales would continue to decline leaving the country with little or no
control over the situation.