Also published in Daily Trust and here also in the same newspaper
In the wake of every terror attack rightly or wrongly
believed to have been carried out by a Muslim or some Muslims, a heated
controversy over Islamic stance on violence usually ensues. This, by the way,
happens especially when the attack is carried out in any of the major Western
European countries, the United States, Canada and a few other countries
elsewhere e.g. Australia, or when the attack targets their citizens or
interests anywhere in the world.
While a terror attack in any of these
countries attracts huge international media attention, which, in turn, triggers
global condemnation and generates worldwide show of sympathy for the victims, a
similar terror attack, or even a much more devastating terror attack, in Africa
or some parts of Asia, for instance, doesn’t attract appropriate, let alone similar
amount of international media coverage and show of empathy. Unfortunately, it’s
as though the sanctity and value of people’s lives are nowadays determined by
their respective countries’ socio-economic development and political influence
on the world stage.