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Friday, June 29, 2018

Mass killing: Memo to the vulnerable

…also published in Daily Trust

In the face of the persistent Boko Haram terror attacks against defenceless civilians in the northeast, raids on helpless communities by armed bandits in Zamfara and Kaduna states, recurrent rounds of ethno-religiously motivated mass killing in Taraba, Benue and Plateau states all in northern Nigeria, it’s high time all communities vulnerable to such attacks due to their geographical locations resorted to whatever measures necessary to save their lives no matter the amount of sacrifice involved.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Need for Arewa narrative abroad

...also published in Daily Trust

When President Donald Trump of the United States, and while hosting his Nigerian counterpart, Muhammadu Buhari last April in Washington decried the “murder of Christians” in Nigeria, and in fact went ahead in his typical arrogant demeanor to effectively warn his guest that “We are going to work on that problem very, very hard because we cannot allow that to happen.”, I straightaway blamed his obvious ignorance of the dynamics of security crisis in Arewa on the sheer misrepresentation that some interest groups in Nigeria and their foreign accomplices always present to various US institutions, think tanks, public figures and NGOs, which in turn influence relevant US policy accordingly.