published in Daily Trust
As Nigerian
politicians strategize to slug it out for nominations by their respective
political parties in next year’s general election, the seasonal trend of party
switching that usually characterizes the period towards the end of every
four-year tenure is steadily gathering momentum.
While the
political parties continue to receive their respective shares of gain and loss
in terms of the number and calibre of politicians joining or leaving them, the
ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) would of course end up particularly
affected given the looming exodus likely to hit it in favour of other parties
especially its arch-rival, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).
Though this may
affect the APC’s chances of winning reelection in some constituencies or even
states, it doesn’t appear to pose any serious threat to its chances of
maintaining the presidency of the country anyway. However, this is not
necessarily due to President Buhari’s performance which, after all, remains
debatable, but actually due to the fact that no one among the politicians
currently aspiring to challenge him in election appears to have the potential
to constitute any serious threat to his reelection bid at the moment. This is
also notwithstanding the president’s shortcomings, disappointing and indeed frustration-inducing
indecisiveness over alleged and sometimes even indisputable involvement of some
officials in his administration in corruption scandals.
After all, even
with his obviously imperfect and in fact largely exaggerated moral qualities,
no one among his political peers in the country today can match up to him when
it comes to integrity, which is the most important leadership quality. Incidentally,
though his loyalists are always eager to cite this point to challenge his
political opponents, I, for one, don’t see it as something to cheer about.
Because even though there are indeed many people of integrity even among the largely
corrupt political elite in the country, yet the mere difficulty to straightaway
cite a single politician among his political peers today who can match up to
him in integrity is itself a serious source of frustration as it suggests how
morally bankrupt Nigeria as a nation has gone, which of course would continue
to undermine its ability to achieve appropriate economic development and
socio-political stability befitting its massive and multi-faceted potential.
Anyway, though party switching isn’t unusual especially
in a typical developing democracy, it’s particularly interesting in Nigeria due
to the absence of the culture of principle-oriented politicking, which explains
why a typical politician in the country feels no shame whatsoever to go to any
extent in pursuit of his self-centered interests notwithstanding its
repercussions on the collective interests of the people he leads or represents.
Consequently, politics in the country is dominated by unapologetically corrupt
politicians with notorious antecedents who manipulate nomination processes of
their respective political parties in favour of themselves and their respective
cronies making it practically inaccessible to anyone not willing to compromise
his principles.
This is though
some unscrupulous opportunists do sometimes manage to somehow break through this
barrier by masquerading as people of integrity and principle presenting
themselves as alternatives to the notorious politicians, but only to end up,
when elected or given appointments, exactly like them or even worse.
In the face of
this, it’s obviously quite naïve to expect any dramatic change at the moment,
after all, the politicians, being largely too corrupt-minded to see any value
beyond accumulated ill-gotten wealth, and are indeed too incompetent to come up
with, execute and follow through with appropriate socio-economic development
strategies, would always resist anything likely to make politics transparent
enough to attract people of principle with proven leadership potential.
Addressing this
challenge therefore certainly requires concerted and systematic efforts by
concerned civil society groups and thought leaders at the grassroots level, to
discourage the culture of voting for a candidate simply because he secures a
nomination from a particular party, and instead promote the culture of
enlightened voting pattern that accords priority to a candidate’s integrity,
competence and leadership potential notwithstanding the political party he
belongs to.
Campaigning in
this regard should focus on sensitizing the ordinary Nigerian voters to the way
they are being politically manipulated by politicians who manipulate their ethnic
emotions to turn them into blind loyalists then take their loyalty for granted
or capitalize on their system-inflicted poverty to buy their loyalty.
Though this is
indeed a very demanding challenge especially given the sheer amount of
influence those politicians, their cronies and other beneficiaries of the system
have on the ordinary Nigerians. Yet, it isn’t impossible to achieve anyway. It
only requires proper strategies and determination.
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